Not the end to an auld sang…

It’s a familiar part of football history to every fan: Victorian and Edwardian Brits start up small football clubs to pass the idle hours in foreign climes, and before you can say A.C.Milan or Grasshopper Club Zurich… …or, in the case of Juventus, a club started by natives turned to good old Blighty for help…

Brian Clough: Part Four

We know little or nothing about the process by which Clough made his way into the Middlesbrough first team, but once he was there, what he did was memorable, and the imagination backfills something similar into his time in the reserves. It’s not the number of goals that Clough began to score that is most…

Brian Clough: Part Three

Brian Clough made his debut for Middlesbrough at what looks like a relatively late age. He was twenty when first picked, and it took him the best part of two seasons to establish himself as a regular selection. National Service and his own late physical development held him up. It meant that what Clough clearly…

Brian Clough Part Two

The history of football is the history of great men. That’s still true, despite the efforts of the likes of Simon Kuper and Leo McKinstry. The majority of football books are concerned with the exceptional, the miraculous, and if they can’t find it in real life, then it will be invented and then embellished. Reality,…

Brian Clough – Part One

There could be no better way to launch a summer of football management articles than this marvellous film of Brian Clough. [youtube=] Clough’s complete happiness in that moment comes across, but also his intelligence. There was an intellectual force to Clough that is vanishingly rare in his profession, which shows well here:

Post Ratings and Service Interruption

You can now rate posts on this site (at least, I think you can: I don’t want to go about rating myself, so I haven’t actually tested it out personally). This is in addition to some of the other recent alterations, which have allowed you to be emailed with any new comments on an individual…

Into the Time Machine

An old chestnut popped into my mind as I rode the wrong train home from the meet-up last night. I’d triumphantly chosen the only pub in London not showing the football as our venue, and, having missed that match (I can’t say that I did miss it all that much) began thinking around time travel…


Angouleme, France, summer 1877: (Click to enlarge) This isn’t the first colour photograph ever taken, but it’s among them. It’s taken by Louis Ducos du Hauron, a pioneer of both additive and subtractive methods of colour photography. Things don’t always happen in their what might seem to be the right order. 1877 was FA Cup…

Jostein Nygard on the 1938 World Cup

From today’s Guardian: Meanwhile, Jostein NygÃ¥rd writes from Norway, who, he claims, are still sore about how they were eliminated from the 1938 World Cup. “Fresh from a bronze medal at the 1936 Olympics, we were drawn against the tournament favourites and holders, Italy,” moans Jostein. “They took an early lead as expected, but then…

More Than Mind Games Meetup Wednesday 23rd May 2007

We’ll be meeting for the Champions League Final in the Cardinal near Victoria Station between 6.30 and kickoff at 7.45. The match should be on big screens, all being well. You can see a map here. So that you know who to look for, here’s yours truly in football commentator mode: I’ve slightly more hair…